Routine Disclosure Policy and Freedom of Information

Routine Disclosure Policy

In order to improve public accessibility of records and information and support improved transparency, this Routine Disclosure Policy establishes principles and procedures for releasing certain types of records and information without requiring the submission of a formal Freedom of Information (FOI) request. The policy identifies records and information that may be requested and disclosed routinely. It will also identify records and information that could be regularly and actively shared with the public. 

How to apply

Review the Routine Disclosure Procedure and complete a request form.

Freedom of information requests

To make a freedom of information (FOI) request fill in the request form. You will need to provide staff with as much detail as you can. This will help staff process your request faster.

View the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act to get more information about FOI requests.

How to apply

  1. Download and complete the request form.
  2. Pay the $5 application fee. We accept cash, cheque or debit. You can pay this fee in person at the Municipal Office, 894 South Street, Warsaw.
  3. Submit application in person at the Municipal Office, 894 South Street, via email, or put it in our drop box.

You will receive a response from staff within 30 days and staff will contact you if we have questions. If you need help with the request form, contact us 705-652-8392.

Before you apply

Before you make an FOI request, you can check the following public records:

  • Council Minutes
  • Search our Website using the search feature
  • Contact the department who keeps the information you are requesting (for example, if the information you are requesting is about Roads, contact the Roads Department)

Personal Information Bank 

The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), Section 34(1) requires municipalities to keep an updated Personal information Bank Register and make it available to the public.

A Personal Information Bank is defined in MFIPPA as “a collection of personal information that is organized and capable of being retrieved using an individual’s name or an identifying number or particular assigned to the individual.” The Register includes a description of the personal information maintained to support the Township’s programs and services.

For each Personal Information Bank (PIB), the following information is provided: