Building and Renovating
Building Permits
Permit applications, fees, and general information about when you do and don't need a Building Permit.
When you need to call for inspection and how the inspection process works.
Line Fences
The Line Fences Act and what you need to know to make an application for Fence Viewers.
Sewage System Permits
Permit applications, fees, and general information about when you do and don't need a permit for Sewage Systems.
Septic Re-Inspection Program
Information about the Septic Re-Inspection Program.
The Zoning By-law and about how land use zoning works.
Tax, Zoning, Work Order Certificates
Lawyer information for receiving tax certificates and work order requests, commonly used when property is sold.
911 Signs
Information about 911 signs and municipal addresses.
Sustainable Development Program
Learn about Douro-Dummer's innovative Sustainable Development Program.