Line Fences
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs implemented the Security from Trespassing and Protecting Food Safety Act to help regulate unwanted trespassing on agricultural lands in Ontario. Line Fences are a vital part of food security, ensuring that crops and animals are protected and stay on your property.
Line Fences Act
The Ontario Government has an excellent resource on Line Fences. You can also review the Line Fences Act directly.
Fence Viewers
If you have reviewed the Provincial resources and require the Municipality to schedule the Fence Viewers, please contact staff.
Residential Fences
Douro-Dummer township does not have a Municipal Fence By-law, however, our Property Standards By-law does require that fences are built properly and securely. If you have a property dispute with your neighbour, it is recommended you discuss it with them, as it is a Civil matter between neighbours. Should you need further assistance, contact a lawyer and land surveyor.
Page last updated: March 01 2022