Building Permits
You need a building permit before you can begin your next building or renovation project in the Township of Douro-Dummer. A building permit helps ensure that your project meets the requirements in the Zoning By-law, Official Plan and Ontario Building Code.
Before you start
Before you apply to see if you require any additional agency approvals, please contact us.
When do I need a building permit?
You need to apply for a building permit for:
- All new construction of any type (i.e., commercial, industrial, residential, agricultural)
- Additions to existing buildings regardless of the size
- Open decks and porches
- All new or replacement solid fuel heating systems
- Temporary event tents 60 square metres or larger (this applies to both a single tent of that size or larger, or the sum of multiple tents)
A building permit is not required for an accessory building that is 15 square meters or less unless the building will be used for human habitation or if it contains plumbing.
Apply for a building permit
Please submit your complete application, including authorization if applying on behalf of the owner, agency approvals, site plan, and any necessary drawings. Permit applications are now completed on Cloudpermit. Permit applications are no longer accepted on Permit Tracker (, any existing applications have been transferred over as of Jan 18, 2022.
Please be advised that Cloudpermit is not mobile phone friendly. To ensure ease of access login using a laptop or desktop computer. Below are links to online resources to help guide you through the application process.
Cloudpermit Applicant User Guide
How to create a Cloudpermit account.
How to videos for Cloudpermit including how to submit a building permit application.
Online payments
If you select this option, you'll pay using your credit card. You will need the roll number of the property related to the building permit.
Pay for your building permit online
There is 2.50% processing fee. Please notify the Building Department when a payment is made online (705-652-8392 extension 211).
Agency approvals
Depending on the location of your property, you may need to receive additional agency approvals before you apply for a building permit. Below are some of the frequently required agency approvals.
Book an inspection
You'll need to have the building inspected at various points throughout the construction project once the permit is issued. Learn how to book a building inspection.
Forms & Templates
For accessibility, all of these documents are available in hard copy at the Municipal Office.
Building Permits
Application for a Building Permit to Construct or Demolish
Schedule 1 - Designer Information
Authorization to Act as Agent - required when the applicant is not the property owner
Energy Efficiency Design Summary (Performance)
Energy Efficiency Design Summary (Prescriptive)
Commitment to General Reviews by Architect and Engineers
Septic Permits
Sewage System Calculations - must be provided as part of the septic application
Schedule 2 - Septic System Installer/ Designer Information
Page last updated: December 05 2024