Official Plan

An Official Plan sets guidelines and policies for land use and development in the community. The Township of Douro-Dummer Official Plan is located in sections 6 and 7 of the County of Peterborough's Official Plan.

Official Plan Amendment

If you want to use your property or develop it in a way that does not align with the Official Plan, you will need to apply for an Official Plan Amendment. Visit the County of Peterborough to begin the Official Plan Amendment application process.

Before submitting an application, a pre-consultation to discuss the proposal, the application process, required fees, and the studies needed to support the Official Plan Amendment application is recommended.   To set up this meeting please fill out the Pre-Consultation Request Form and submit it to the County Planning Department by emailing it to or as indicated on the last page of the form.

Land Use Maps

Use the County of Peterborough GIS mapping tool to view Official Plan land use designations for properties within the Township of Douro-Dummer.

Official Plan Review

The County of Peterborough has prepared a new Official Plan to set the vision and direction for growth and development to the year 2051.  The Council of the County of Peterborough adopted the new Official Plan, with some amendments, at its meeting on June 29, 2022.  The Official Plan will now be sent to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for final approval.  Learn more about the Official Plan Review process and stay informed!

Provincial Approval

The new County Official Plan was formally submitted to the Province for approval on July 11, 2022. On June 21, 2023 it was posted to the Environmental Registry of Ontario (ERO) for a period of 60 days for review and comment.

Active Applications

A list of active planning applications that have been submitted to the County of Peterborough can be found on their Planning Notices page.

Alternatively, you can use the Planning Applications Dashboard. You can use this tool to locate applications in your neighbourhood or Township, review reports and plans submitted and provide feedback.