Good Neighbour Regulations

Chairs_Cottagers DD

Welcome to Douro-Dummer!

Our waterfront areas have been a beloved family tradition and summer destination for over 100 years. You’re going to love it here!

To help you settle into our waterfront community, we have prepared an information package with resources that will be useful during your stay:

If you have any other inquiries related to the Township of Douro-Dummer, please contact the Township office.

 Quick Links

Animal Control and Responsible Dog Ownership By-law -

Burn Permit Application Site (land owner permission is required to obtain a burn permit):

County of Peterborough Waste Portal:

Information about using septic systems (Ontario Onsite Wastewater Association)

Peterborough Public Health:

Township of Douro-Dummer Noise and Nuisance By-laws -


Township of Douro-Dummer Activities and Recreation -

Trent Severn Waterway:


Waste Disposal (Garbage and Recycling):

Best Practices for Waterfront Living

 Kitchen Do’s and Don’ts

✓ DO

  • Use phosphate free cleaning products.
  • Wash dishes with phosphate free detergents.
  • Run the dishwasher only when completely full.
  • Use ecoethic Septic Treatment to keep drains running well


  • Use anti-bacterial products as the septic system needs bacteria.
  • Pour fats, oils and grease down the drain.
  • Use chlorine bleach.
  • Use chemical drain openers/ cleaners

    All of these are harmful to the septic system.
 Bathroom Do’s and Don’ts

 ✓ DO

  • Use non- antibacterial soap.
  • Use biodegradable cleaners (phosphate and chlorine free).
  • Add ½ cup of ecoethic Septic Treatment to toilet monthly.
  • Limit the amount of toilet paper used.
  • Conserve water to avoid overload to septic system.


  • Use automatic toilet bowl cleaners.
  • Use anti-bacterial products
  • Put paper towel, tissue, hair, wipes (even ones marked ‘flushable’), or feminine products (no tampons) down the toilet.
  • Put anything down the toilet other than natural waste and toilet paper.
 Laundry Do’s and Don’ts

✓ DO

  • Use washing soda or oxygen bleach instead of chlorine bleach.
  • Use biodegradable, phosphate free detergents.
  • Use peroxide stain removers.
  • Wait for laundry load to finish before draining a bath or taking a shower.


  • Do more than 1 laundry load per day.
  • Use chlorine bleach.
  • Take a shower or bath the same time as doing laundry.
  • Use Liquid Fabric Softener

 Garbage Disposal Do’s and Don’ts

✓ DO

  • Reduce, reuse, recycle!
  • Rinse out bottles, jars and containers before putting them in the recycling box.
  • Check local dump hours to dispose of waste.
  • Pick up pet waste using a biodegradable bag.


  • Burn garbage
  • Feed wildlife
  • Leave garbage outside, unless in an animal-proof container.
  • Leave any scented products outdoors.
  • Leave pet food outside.
Wild animals cannot depend on you for their food source. Please do not feed the animals or leave your garbage outside.