Site Plan Approval

Site plan control is a planning tool the Township uses to evaluate certain site elements, such as walkways, parking areas, landscaping or exterior design on a parcel of land where development is proposed.

Before you start

Read these guidelines to learn more about the role of site plan control in land use planning, including how it works in conjunction with documents such as provincial plans and policy statements, official planszoning by-laws and building permits. 

Review the Township Site Plan Control By-law.

For more information, visit 

Apply for Site Plan Approval

Complete the Application for Site Plan Approval. Once complete, you are required to submit the application by email  and mail or drop off a hard copy to the Township Office:

Township of Douro-Dummer
894 South Street, PO Box 92
Warsaw, ON K0L 3A0


Please review the Planning Fees and submit the appropriate fee along with the complete application. You will also need to pay Otonabee Region Conservation Authority fees.

Site Plan Approval Fees 2025

Planning FeesPrice



Site Plan Approval - Minor


Site Plan Approval - Major


Minor Amendment to Existing Site Plan


Minimum Deposit for any Site Plan Application



The approval process has been delegated to the Chief Building Official and the CAO or their designate, as the Authorized Persons. Agreements shall be signed by the Clerk and the Mayor.