Library Board



Board Chair: Georgia Gale-Kidd

Board Member: Tina Fridgen 

Board Member: Darla Milne

Board Member: Diane Bonner 

Board Member: Councillor Tom Watt



The Library Board meets eight times a year, typically on the second Tuesday of the month. The next meeting will be: Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 at 4:00 pm in the Douro-Dummer Public Library.

The meeting agenda can be accessed the week prior to the meeting on the Township of Douro-Dummer website.


What does the Library Board do?

“Under the Public Libraries Act, R.S.O 1900, c. P44, public libraries in Ontario must be operated under the management and control of a public library board. The Board is the legal authority of the library and is the ultimate authority for decision-making and has the authority to formulate policies concerning the operations and services of the public library. While boards are accountable for the library's services, they are not responsible for managing the programs or the people who carry out those programs. The board's role is oversight and monitoring of the library's performance. In other words, library boards are not there to run the library, but to ensure that the library is properly run.” Ontario Library Service 


Public Libraries Act

The Public Libraries Act (PLA) helps ensure free, equitable access to public library service in Ontario. The Ontario Library Service outlines the roles and responsibilities of the Board in this document