Notice of Complete Application for a Plan of Subdivision 15T-23002
Take notice that the Corporation of the County of Peterborough has received a complete application for a plan of subdivision in accordance with Sections 51 (17) and (18) of the Planning Act. The application has been assigned file number 15T-23002. The Notice of Complete Application was provided on April 13, 2023.
Additional Details:
A key map indicates the location of the lands which are subject to the application. The lands are located in Lot 13, Concession 2, Dummer Ward, Township of Douro-Dummer.
Supporting documents and material are available for viewing by clicking on the links below. Peer review of the supporting documents will be coordinated through the County office.
- Link to County of Peterborough 15T-23002 Notice Page, Studies and Reports
- Notice of Complete Application
If you wish to be notified of the decision of the application, you must make a written request to the County of Peterborough at the address noted below.
County of Peterborough
470 Water Street
Peterborough, ON K9H 3M3
Tel: (705) 743-0380