Notice of Complete Application for a Plan of Subdivision 15T-23002

Key May 15T-23002

Take notice that the Corporation of the County of Peterborough has received a complete application for a plan of subdivision in accordance with Sections 51 (17) and (18) of the Planning Act. The application has been assigned file number 15T-23002.  The Notice of Complete Application was provided on April 13, 2023.

Additional Details:

key map  indicates the location of the lands which are subject to the application. The lands are located in Lot 13, Concession 2, Dummer Ward, Township of Douro-Dummer.

Supporting documents and material are available for viewing by clicking on the links below.  Peer review of the supporting documents will be coordinated through the County office.

If you wish to be notified of the decision of the application, you must make a written request to the County of Peterborough at the address noted below.

County of Peterborough
470 Water Street
Peterborough, ON     K9H 3M3
Tel: (705) 743-0380